San Diego City Council Candidate Joe Leventhal Forms Veterans Advisory Committee

Written by Julianne Foster

Republicans have seen firsthand the power of unification as former San Diego City Council District 5 candidate Patrick Batten dropped out of the race prior to the March primary election to endorse Joe Leventhal.

Leventhal is a lawyer, business owner, UC San Diego alumnus, and San Diego resident for almost 20 years. He is also endorsed by San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, County Supervisors Greg Cox, Jim Desmond, and Kristin Gaspar, along with several other elected officials, community leaders, and associations.

Batten is a Marine Veteran who served admirably in Iraq and Afghanistan. His assistance in the race has taken the form of leading Leventhal’s newly established Veterans Advisory Committee. This committee was set up to counsel Leventhal’s campaign on crucial issues facing San Diego military members, veterans, and their families.

San Diego is the second-largest city in California and home to seven military bases. This has resulted in a rather large population of veterans and active duty members. The committee includes Army, Navy, and Marine veterans, officers, and currently enlisted servicemen to try and provide equal representation for those in need. 

“I am honored to work with other veterans to create this advisory committee and provide a voice for veterans within the City of San Diego,” Batten said. “The members will provide Joe with insight and knowledge through their experience and actions about the difficult issues San Diego’s veterans are facing today.”

With a relatively even split between the number of Republicans and Democrats in District 5, the committee has received broad support. It was honorable for the Republican candidates to work together to ensure the best candidate and programs for the people they are working to represent. 

“I’m proud to have veterans on board, advising me and my campaign on the issues impacting San Diego veterans and their families. Particularly with the high number of veterans in District 5, my job as a City Councilman will be to listen to the needs of this community and respond with action,” said Leventhal. “There can be no better time than when we celebrate Independence Day to start a conversation with these brave men and women to ensure their voices are heard in our city.”


For more information about Joe Leventhal and his campaign, visit