County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher Argues that Recent Protests are Unrelated to COVID-19 Outbreaks

Written by Michael Palomba

With the COVID-19 crisis still very much at hand, one may wonder what effect the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests and riots have had in spreading the virus. KUSI News inquired about this, posting “Do you think our local health officials should begin asking those who get tested if they have been participating in protests?” on their Facebook page.

This is an extremely valid question to ask. After all, Democratic officials across the country have been preaching that we need to social distance as much as possible. It seemed like the tune changed with the BLM movement gaining some momentum. County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher responded to KUSI’s inquiry, claiming that they were promoting “more divisive non-sense” and asserted that contract tracers ask about protest involvement for all positive cases.

First off, KUSI was not being divisive by simply asking if protesters and rioters should be tested. But to add insult to injury, Fletcher blatantly lied in his response. 

County Health Officer Wilma Wooten openly said that people being tested for coronavirus are not being asked if they attended any protests.

Fletcher later tweeted that no outbreaks have been tied to protests.

By contrast, County Supervisor Jim Desmond, during an interview with KUSI, said that only “20 or 30 people” who tested positive have indicated they participated in a protest.

But according to Fletcher, friends having a barbecue or meeting at a winery is causing outbreaks, but massive protests with thousands of people shouting in close proximity to one another doesn’t spread the virus. And he wonders why people are treating his demands for reclosing businesses with some skepticism.

The blatant double standard regarding social distancing needs to come to an end. Democrats nationwide are condemning any sort of social gathering—including religious services—but in the same sentence endorse crowded BLM protests. It’s extremely hypocritical, and enough is enough.