Hypocritical Protesters Target One America News Network

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

On Saturday, protesters gathered to boycott One America News Network (OANN). The protesters claim that the cause of the protest is OANN’s coverage of a Buffalo protester who the network labeled as an “Antifa provocateur.” During the course of the protest, OANN CEO Robert Herring Sr. argued with the protesters and asked for proof that the network was wrong.

Despite the failure of protesters to present any sort of meaningful justification for their protest, there was no shortage of anger and enthusiasm. President Trump’s embrace of OANN may have played a salient role in the far left’s hostility towards One America News.

The decision to protest OANN seems rather hypocritical given the fact that mainstream media outlets such as CNN and MSNBC have consistently lied and misreported while their irresponsibility has caused much more damage than OANN could ever hope to do. It was not OANN that falsely claimed that white supremacists were responsible for the rioting in Minneapolis, nor was it OANN that attempted to conflate rioters with peaceful protesters in order to cover for them.

Given these major failures of journalism and the fact that the case of the Buffalo protester is actually fairly suspicious, it’s ridiculous to protest OANN when other outlets are doing far more damage and above all getting away with it. CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, and Vox have yet to receive any pushback for claiming that protests were peaceful while Minneapolis was burning.

One America News Network has not proven to be wrong, while mainstream media outlets have consistently lied to advance their agenda. They are far more deserving of ire and should be protested, not OANN.


Photo by Trending Topics 2019 via Flickr