Blood Supply Shortage: San Diego Blood Bank Asking Community to Donate Blood

SAN DIEGO (June 10, 2020) – As local hospitals ramp up surgeries delayed due to COVID-19, San Diego Blood Bank (SDBB) is experiencing critically low blood supply. All blood types are needed.

Summer is always a challenging time for blood centers to ensure an adequate blood supply due to schools being out of session. This year is especially challenging as many businesses and community groups are not able to host their normal blood drives due to work from home policies.

Safety measures are in place including required face coverings; cleaning of surfaces in between each donation; reducing the volume of people gathering at any one time; and screening donors for upper respiratory symptoms and taking temperatures prior to entering donor center or mobiles. For information related to blood donation and COVID-19, visit

Appointments are required so staff can control the flow of traffic and practice safety measures.

“We are seeing an increased need for blood, but are limited in our ability to collect at this time,” said San Diego Blood Bank CEO David Wellis. “We are confident the community will come through as the need continues to rise. Blood donors are the guardians of community health and we are grateful.”

SDBB is asking those who have never given blood and those who haven’t given blood recently to schedule an appointment to donate blood now in order to ensure supply is on hand for local patients.

To be eligible to donate blood you must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 114 pounds and be in general good health.  Appointments available at or calling 1-800-4-MY-SDBB (1-800-469-7322).

About the San Diego Blood Bank

SDBB is dedicated to community health by providing a reliable supply of blood to patients in need. Our vision is to further ensure the health of our community by simultaneously delivering related health and wellness education and services and extending into research. SDBB is an independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit that serves hospitals in San Diego, Orange, Imperial and Los Angeles counties with blood transfusion products and reference laboratory services. SDBB currently operates six local donor centers and 10 bloodmobiles. SDBB’s Cell Therapy Program provides lifesaving stem cell transplants to patients worldwide. For more information about SDBB, visit or connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.