East County Lakes Finally Approved for Reopening

Written by Michael Palomba

It’s official: East County lakes and reservoirs are finally reopening. County Supervisor candidate Joel Anderson, who has worked tirelessly on getting our lakes reopened, sent out an announcement this week thanking everyone for their efforts and informed us that an agreement has been reached.

“Yesterday the City of San Diego announced that the County of San Diego agreed to enter into a partnership with them to open our lakes! This is an amazing victory for our East County families and outdoor enthusiasts and it is all because of your efforts,” Anderson said.

San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer also made an announcement following the agreement.

“As San Diegans continue to flatten the curve by doing the right thing, we are able to begin reopening many of our recreational spaces like our lakes in a safe and responsible manner,” he said. “A lot of San Diegans have a passion for fishing and boating, and we’ve been able to partner with the County to reopen all of our lakes and reservoirs to the public. I want to thank City Councilmember Scott Sherman, County Supervisor Dianne Jacob, and Poway Mayor Steve Vaus for working with us to get this done.”

These Republican leaders really knocked it out of the park here, and Republican leadership in San Diego has been impressive throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Anderson, Jacob, Vaus, and Faulconer all worked hard to ensure San Diegans could get out on the lake this summer and should be commended for their efforts.

The reopening dates for the lakes are as follows:

  • El Capitan Reservoir: June 6
  • Upper Otay Reservoir: June 6
  • San Vicente Reservoir: June 13
  • Lake Hodges Reservoir: July 1
  • Sutherland Reservoir: July 3
  • Barrett Reservoir: July 8


Featured Photo by GotCredit via Flickr