County Supervisor Jim Desmond Leading San Diego Through the Pandemic and Protests

San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond has been vigilant in keeping San Diegans informed on happenings regarding closures, reopenings, and the economic situation we’re dealing with during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently, he discussed the tourism industry gradually reopening, the importance of reopening houses of worship, and the presence of the National Guard in San Diego County.

New economic sectors are set to reopen beginning this Friday, including gyms, day camps, hotels, bars, zoos, and indoor museums among other vital services. Desmond encourages these businesses to have their plans prepared so that they can hit the ground running.

He expressed disappointment at the fact that houses of worship have only been approved to operate at 25% capacity, pointing out that many larger churches have the ability to safely host a larger percentage of people.

“There’s a lot of tension and anxiety out there. The more we can socialize, get together, and work together [the better]… churches from all faiths are a great way to do that,” he explained. Desmond hopes that each church will be able to choose their own social distancing capacity, rather than conforming to a one size fits all standard.

The presence of the National Guard in San Diego is also a topic of hot discussion, as tensions between the public and the police force are rising. Desmond reminds us that the sizes of the protests warrant increased security to protect protestors, bystanders, and police alike against potential violence from aggressive individuals. As such, Desmond is grateful to have the National Guard here to ensure that the right to peaceful protest is secured while maintaining a safe environment for all. “Regarding the National Guard’s presence in San Diego County, keeping people safe is a top priority. With widespread unrest in the region its good to have their presence,” said Desmond.

Supervisor Desmond’s leadership in San Diego is welcome and needed, with his transparency allowing San Diegans to know exactly what’s going on in our communities. In the midst of a global pandemic and recent social uprising, Desmond’s calm guidance has been crucial in keeping San Diego on the path to prosperity.