Rep. Mike Levin Refusing to Travel to Capitol Hill, Cedes Voting Power to Michigan Congressman

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Earlier this week, Rep. Mike Levin (D-CA) sent an official letter to the clerk of the House of Representatives stating that he will renounce his power to vote and will transfer it to Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI).

“I am unable to attend proceedings in the House Chamber due to the ongoing public health emergency,” wrote Levin. By stating this, Rep. Levin’s words are in very clear contrast to his actions. Though he is insinuating that it’s dangerous for him to continue doing his job given the virus, he has repeatedly appeared at public events in his own district. In other words, for Congressman Levin, it’s too dangerous to show up to work, but perfectly fine to make public appearances at events.

In response, Brian Maryott, who is challenging Levin for the 49th congressional seat, explained his disappointment with Levin’s refusal to show up and do the job that he’s been elected and entrusted to do. “Constituents of the 49th District should be aware: Rep. Dan Kildee of Michigan is now representing your interests in Congress,” Maryott said.

Maryott also noted Levin’s hypocrisy in claiming that it’s unsafe for him to travel, explaining that the California State Legislature has returned to session with no issues.

“While Mike Levin is suggesting that it is unsafe for him to perform his job, Governor Newsom is allowing businesses in our state to reopen, the California state legislature is open and elected officials are flying to Sacramento to work on behalf of their constituents, and essential employees are still doing their jobs,” said Maryott. “Why then, did Mike think it was necessary to surrender his core duty of voting?” He also called out Congressman Levin by saying that “if Mike is dead-set on allowing someone else to represent our district in Washington, I will volunteer to go in his place.”

Finally, Maryott explained how the magnitude of the moment is why it’s so unacceptable that Rep. Levin is ceding his legislative authority to another congressman from across the country. There is too much on the table to abdicate the responsibility that comes with serving in Congress. If Levin doesn’t understand or acknowledge that, then it shows another reason why he’s unfit for office.

“As the death toll nears 100,000 and the damage intensifies, we are all feeling a great deal of anxiety about the future. There is work to be done at all levels of government, and perhaps nowhere as important as in D.C.,” Maryott added. “We will need common sense solutions and we must watch every dollar we borrow directly from future generations to heal the current financial pain. This is not work that can be done from one’s house.”

Regardless of the virus, this is a clear show of weakness by Congressman Levin. When voters in the 49th district elected him, they did not vote for Dan Kildee, the man who represents Flint, Michigan. If 86-year-old Don Young can still show up to the House of Representatives and do his job, there’s no reason why Mike Levin cannot.

For more information about Brian Maryott and his congressional campaign, visit