Brian Maryott Warns of Immense Harm Being Caused by Current Shutdowns

Talk of “lifting the quarantine” has been circulating the media for the past week. It has certainly been a polarizing issue. Some, fearing the worst, have advised to take every precaution necessary, while others believe that this quarantine is doing more harm than good.

However, we can’t deny the facts: America is growing restless. Tens of millions of working class citizens have been left jobless, and are desperate to return to work. Having been confined to our homes for over a month, we’re all left wondering when things will change.

Many have begun to support gradually lifting the quarantine and taking necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of the public. Among them is congressional candidate Brian Maryott, who has recently advocated for rolling back shelter-in-place orders.

He also pointed out the fragile financial situation we’re putting ourselves in. Our current levels of spending are unsustainable for current and future workers, students, and homeowners. We need to start taking action to fix our economy as soon as we can—and we certainly can.

We need leaders like Maryott to take the first steps in lifting the quaratine. Though precautions must be taken, it’s clear that we’re able to move forward. For the sake of our communities, our economy, and our country, America needs to protect its workers and its future.