San Diego County Gun Owners Release “An Open Letter to San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher”

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

The San Diego County Gun Owners have released a video titled “An Open Letter to San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher.” The video addresses two main points: Fletcher’s utter failure to properly assess the coronavirus crisis and his attempt to close gun stores by claiming they are “nonessential.”

The first point regarding his failure to address the coronavirus is fairly obvious. Like many other Democrats, he claimed that the coronavirus was nothing to worry about. One particularly poor look for Fletcher was when he claimed, “Fear of a virus that has not even manifested in our county is no reason, at all, why anyone should avoid any part of our community or any section of our community” on the same day that the first COVID-19 case was reported in the county.

In addition, the video draws on the fact that he has tried to shut down gun stores multiple times, claiming they are nonessential. If the constitution is nonessential, then what is? 

The video concludes with a message of measured encouragement: “We aren’t through this crisis yet. Now is the time for facts… Not your politics, not opinions. A lot of people are struggling across the county. Make things better, not worse. Put your politics on hold and make better decisions for the health and safety of everyone in San Diego. Sincerely, San Diego County Gun Owners.”

People are raising questions about their own safety and trying to comply, but we all lose trust in government when bad players, like Fletcher, give false information based on his own personal prejudices and biases,” said San Diego County Gun Owners Chairman Michael Schwartz. “During a crisis as big as the coronavirus response, and no matter what your opinion is on the response, people need clarity on issues like their own safety…People understand that their own personal safety is essential.”

The county needs solid leadership during this time of crisis, not political posturing. Thus far, County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher is failing miserably.

You can watch the entire video from San Diego County Gun Owner below: