San Diego City Councilman Chris Cate Continuing to Volunteer with Crucial Local Organizations

San Diego City Councilman Chris Cate continues to be a shining example of selfless leadership in San Diego’s time of need.

Recently, the District 6 representative volunteered with the San Diego Humane Society’s PAWS San Diego program to provide facilities with dog and cat food. For low-income families that have pets in need, such supplies are desperately needed. Especially in times of emotional crisis like these, the comfort of an animal companion is essential for many.

Councilman Cate and the San Diego Humane Society are supporting those who may not be able to provide for their pets in these changing times.

On Monday, Cate also contributed to the San Diego Blood Bank, which services hospitals across Southern California. They need donations now more than ever, as COVID-19 has made many hesitant to give blood. Lives are still at stake, and those who can are encouraged to follow Cate’s example and donate.

It’s always a great sign to see elected officials doing their part to help their communities during these difficult times. Councilman Cate has consistently demonstrated outstanding leadership, showing just how lucky District 6—and all of San Diego County—is to have him.