June Cutter and Joe Leventhal Hosting Instagram Live Discussion on Friday

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, June Cutter and Joe Leventhal, candidates for State Assembly and San Diego City Council respectively, have collaborated to aid San Diego during its time of need. Prior to the lockdowns, the duo coordinated neighborhood walks and other campaign events.

Now, they’re doing a bit of both. Cutter and Leventhal will be hosting an Instagram Live discussion on Friday at noon, in which viewers can ask questions about the issues that matter to them most. Whether it’s about the issues the candidates are focusing on in their campaigns or the difficulties that the coronavirus has brought to our lives, Cutter and Leventhal want to hear from you. The feed will be streamed via June Cutter’s Instagram account, so those interested in tuning in only need to visit her Instagram page at noon and click on the live chat.

June Cutter has been volunteering routinely in recent weeks, doing grocery deliveries for those in need, partnering with the San Diego Food Bank, and having a virtual forum to talk with concerned San Diegans.

Joe Leventhal has also worked tirelessly in the community since the onset of the pandemic, gathering supplies for a daycare for the children of first responders, volunteering with the San Diego Food Bank, and recently launching San Diego Together, a website that compiles all of the necessary information San Diegans need regarding the pandemic.

Both Cutter and Leventhal have played an instrumental role in the San Diego community during these trying times—times that have revealed the true character of many. We need political leaders who will fight for our freedom and individual rights as these two certainly will, but it’s even better when they exhibit the virtuous character that unites rather than divides.