Local Businesses Beginning to Reopen with Safety Measures in Place

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Businesses are now beginning the process of reopening despite the coronavirus. This isn’t to say that they aren’t still observing caution, they will be reopening but will also have a new set of strict rules for shoppers.

One example of this is the Hillcrest Farmers Market. While the market is now open, they require masks and gloves, and will also allow no more than 50 people in at a time. There will also be no touching or sampling food. In addition, the market is open from 9 AM-2 PM, with the first hour reserved exclusively for seniors.

To reduce the likelihood of transmission, the market is taking an approach of getting customers in and out as quickly as possible. “We don’t want you to stay,” said Hillcrest Business Association Executive Director Benjamin Nichols. “There is not going to be any entertainment. There is not going to be food vendors or anything like that.” 

In addition to the farmers market, many other businesses such as CarMax are beginning to open their doors. To minimize risk while still remaining open, they have begun to use curbside pickup. 

It’s great to see that the San Diego economy has begun the process of reopening. By using social distancing and curbside pickup, businesses are able to prevent being exposed to the virus while also finally being able to open their doors.


Photo via Flickr