San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan Offering Assistance to Domestic Violence Victims

Written by Michael Palomba

COVID-19 has dominated the news, but some of its effects are not getting the media attention they should. With families now in closer quarters than ever before, the risk of domestic violence may be higher than ever.

In response, San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan is reminding the public of resources available to victims of domestic violence.

“We acknowledge the necessity of Governor Newsom’s order, but want to be sure we provide a lifeline to those who may be at increased risk of violence at the hands of an intimate partner,” Stephan said. “Additional stressors such as losing a job and kids at home due to school closures can be triggers for domestic violence. We want people who are seeing warning signs of abuse or who are being abused to know that we stand ready to help them and that they shouldn’t suffer in silence.”

Stephan’s office has updated the DA website to include a new domestic violence section that provides information on local services. It also includes an anonymous quiz to determine one’s risk of domestic violence. The DA’s office also included a section on the website for helping offenders stop the cycle of abuse.

Domestic violence hotlines, resource centers, and temporary restraining orders are still available despite the temporary court closure. 

Red flags for abuse include:

  •  Controlling and jealous behaviors
  •  Threats to harm you, your children or pet
  •  Destruction of property
  •  Put downs or telling you that nothing you do is right
  •  Forced sex
  •  Withholding access to money or medical care
  •  Shaming or embarrassing you
  •  Saying if you get coronavirus symptoms you will get kicked out
  •  Forcing you to do drugs or alcohol
  •  Threatening to have you deported

If you or someone you know is in danger, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. There is also an online chat service available or you can text LOVEIS to 22522.