Senator Brian Jones Calls for Restoration of Liberty Once COVID-19 Crisis Stabilizes

State Senator Brian Jones penned an op-ed for the San Diego Union-Tribune making the case for a return of all liberties that have been temporarily restricted by the government during the COVID-19 crisis. The piece is a thoughtful, well-written commentary on the government’s pandemic restrictions and the importance of restoring all freedom once the pandemic is under control.

In the article, Jones discusses the empowered role the government is playing in our personal lives. “‘We the People’ established a Constitution with a Bill of Rights that enshrines the liberties that cannot be permanently taken from us,” he writes. “Just because we’re in an emergency doesn’t mean we hand over our freedoms to the government absolutely and indefinitely. It will be up to We the People to ensure these infringements are temporary.”

Overall, Jones hopes that people will think critically about how the coronavirus was handled, especially in light of our limited rights during this time.

“When we return to normalcy, we must review what has taken place. All of our leaders, including me, should be held accountable for the decisions we have made,” Jones added. “This is how we ensure that the infringements on our liberties are temporary and that they were narrowly tailored to achieve the state’s interest in keeping people safe. We must do so critically and thoroughly. We must be vocal about what was unnecessary overreach, if and when that becomes clear.”

To read the full piece, click here.