El Cajon Distributing $1 Million in Relief Funds to Residents

Written by Michael Palomba 

Last week, the El Cajon City Council voted to proceed with nearly $1 million of relief. The relief will go directly to residents, and it will come in the form of food delivery for seniors, utility assistance, waving business license late fees, rental assistance, and more. 

Now, it’s not surprising to see the council passing relief measures during the coronavirus pandemic, but this relief is being funded by the CARES Act—the largest spending bill in US history.

The El Cajon City Council will receive $800,000 in CARES Act funds, and the funds are required to be used specifically to help those with low incomes.

For El Cajon residents, qualification for funds is contingent on income as it corresponds with household size:

More cities throughout San Diego County are receiving CARES Act funding, and it’s much needed. Updated data from last week revealed that 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. Countless people have been facing financial turmoil as a result of the coronavirus, and it’s good to see that the City of El Cajon is doing what it can to protect residents. 

Keep an eye on the city’s website, CityofElCajon.us as well as it’s social media accounts, for an announcement of the relief when it’s ready for distribution.