Supervisor Jim Desmond Expresses Optimism Regarding San Diego’s COVID-19 Trends

San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond has been committed to delivering accurate updates regarding the coronavirus since the start of the crisis. His Friday update touched on COVID-19 testing, the road to recovery, and hope for the future of our economy. 

Desmond is reaching out to businesses for insight on what actions to take as the economy gets back on its feet. “Once we turn the corner on the coronavirus, we [want to] quickly get people back to work,” stated Desmond, emphasizing why such input is so important.

He hopes to soon reopen beaches and trails, in order to regain some sense of normalcy, and to potentially roll out a plan for restaurants to slowly reincorporate sit-in dining. There’s no specific date set for any actions, but Desmond assures San Diegans that officials will rely heavily on health officials to decide when to turn that corner.

As of April 10, San Diego County had 1,628 people—out of 22,000—test positive for COVID-19 since testing began. This is mostly good news, as we haven’t seen an egregious surge in cases or deaths. “If we keep this steady pace, we’ll get some relief,” Desmond commented, showing that San Diego is on the right track.