Congressional Candidate Juan Hidalgo Stepping Up in the Community

Even though the coronavirus seems to have gotten the entire world down, we continue to see uplifting stories of inspiring leadership and kindness during these troubling times.

Today’s spotlight falls upon Juan Hidalgo, candidate for 51st congressional district. He and his team have been working tirelessly to support families in need however they can, and continue to exemplify both leadership and incredible humanitarianism.

His Facebook page, Hidalgo for Congress, not only serves as a hub for resources for those looking for help, but also as a wonderful demonstration of the community service that Hidalgo is dedicated to. He’s promoted supporting local businesses, worked with Victory Church Outreach to provide food to the hungry, and helped Spread the Love Charity deliver supplies around the county.

Hidalgo recognizes that helping the community takes a team effort, and that means including friends and family. The Hidalgo family recently volunteered at a local food back to deliver food to those in need.

Hidalgo’s commitment to service is nothing new, as his decorated career in the Marine Corps taught him the importance of serving a greater purpose. Whether it’s serving his country or his local community, Hidalgo takes immense pride in dedicating his life to helping others.

On the subject of COVID-19, Hidalgo remains hopeful and helpful. “We need to be concerned, but never in a panic. We will get through this TOGETHER,” he said. “If you are elderly, live in the 51st District, and are not able or are not comfortable going to get groceries, please let me know. My team and I are ready to help you.”

To learn more about Juan Hidalgo’s work in the community and his campaign, visit