Supervisor Jim Desmond Continues to Present Important Data and Hope

It’s incredibly important for our leaders to maintain transparency when it comes to communication about the coronavirus. Thankfully, County Supervisor Jim Desmond is doing just that. His update earlier this week dove into some of the facts of COVID-19, while also reminding citizens to continue taking precautions to protect themselves and others.

At the beginning of this week, 1,326 cases of COVID-19 had been reported in San Diego County, out of 17,663 reported tests. “It’s very important that we keep [up] the social distancing, and [continue] wearing masks every time we’re out in the general public,” said Desmond. He’s right—these preventative measures are steps that everyone can take in their daily lives to combat COVID-19 at home.

He also reminds citizens of just how imperative obeying guidelines is to getting our city back to the way it used to be. “We want to nail this [virus] this month…get everybody back to work, back to our jobs, back to some security, and get our economy back on its feet again,” Desmond continued.

Apart from his email and YouTube updates, Desmond has created a series of podcasts where he discusses COVID-19 in San Diego County. He’s continued to reach out to constituents in light of the difficulties we’ve faced, constantly trying to better our county’s response to this pandemic.

Desmond is a great example of the transparency we need, and how it can bring us information that really matters.