Joe Leventhal Launches “San Diego Together” Website

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Yesterday, San Diego City Council candidate Joe Leventhal has announced the launch of a new website, San Diego Together, to help San Diegans dealing with the coronavirus crisis. It has resources, information, and volunteer opportunities for San Diegans to help during the pandemic.

The site has five main categories, information regarding the Coronavirus, official information from local schools, resources to help families and businesses, ways to give back, and ways to pass the time during the crisis. There is also a section to contact San Diego Together along with a newsletter.

“The idea for the #SanDiegoTogether site came as I was searching for ways I could give back to my community, protect my family, and enrich my children’s distance learning experience during this unprecedented coronavirus crisis,” said Leventhal. “This website houses links to that information and much more at one, user-friendly location for anyone in the community to access.”

The site has numerous links to important governmental resources for the pandemic, such as the State of California and the City of San Diego. It also serves as a convenient location for any information San Diegans may need, such as press releases from local school districts.

“In any crisis, access to accurate, timely information is key,” Leventhal explained. “Our regional leaders have done a great job updating citizens on the latest developments related to the coronavirus pandemic. It is my hope that #SanDiegoTogether will help direct people to official, reliable information from the City and beyond so we can be a better informed, prepared community.”

This site serves as an excellent way for San Diegans to get all of the information they would require during the pandemic as well as giving them ways to assist during the crisis themselves.


To learn more about Joe Leventhal and his campaign, visit