The Inevitable Fall of Bernie Sanders

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

In a move that surprised no one who wasn’t already an ardent socialist, Bernie Sanders has dropped out, again. This was about as unpredictable as a sunrise, but for any potential leftists reading, here are the reasons why Bernie never had a chance.

The first reason why not enough people supported Sanders is the most obvious one: he’s an ardent socialist. While other socialists reject the brand and use euphemisms like “income equality” and “universal health care,” he openly embraced the socialist label and iconography. There were numerous instances of him praising bread lines, Fidel Castro, the Soviet Union, and the list goes on. If it was red, he supported it. Furthermore, he called himself a “Democratic Socialist.” That may fool the youth, but virtually anyone over 40 who vividly remembers the fall of the Berlin Wall adamantly rejects the label. There is also the fact that a certain someone also labeled himself a Democratic Socialist.

The second reason why he did not come anywhere close to winning this Democratic presidential primary was because of the last one. In 2016, Sanders had a legitimate movement. He had many people behind him because he did have fundamentally new ideas and people had not yet learned they were awful. Even I was a Bernie supporter, to put that into perspective. When he was eventually beaten by Clinton, he could have refused to endorse her or he could have played a complete wild card by endorsing Trump, someone who was doing the same thing he was, just on the right. Instead, he caved to the establishment, endorsing Clinton and revealing that his entire “revolution” was a sham.

Along with this, his multimillion dollar net worth and three houses didn’t make him look any better. From the very beginning of his 2020 candidacy, conservatives made fun of him for raking in millions from gullible teenagers who may have unknowingly been financing Sanders’ fourth home. Now who’s laughing? Certainly not the Bernouts.

Arguably the most important reason for his downfall is his idiot fans. If you checked any socialist or Bernie forum during his candidacy, you would find one consistent thing: insufferable losers. They would complain about having no money or conservatives being evil or capitalists being greedy or any other nonsense they felt like spewing. The legacy media attempts to portray Trump supporters as hostile and angry people that are obsessively devoted to their leader, but the truth is in fact the opposite. The overwhelming majority of Trump supporters are very nice people, while Bernie supporters do tend to fit the stereotype. The truth is that Sanders has probably had the most toxic political movement in recent American history. The film doesn’t lie with regard to violent groups like Antifa and far-left campus protesters.

The inevitable result of this is that moderate Democrats avoided Bernie like the plague and the only people left were impressionable college students. These people becoming the face of the movement conveniently dovetail into another issue his campaign had: weak turnout. The hill that Sanders chose to die on was the youth vote—and that is just about the worst choice anyone could make. No one votes less than the youth and they already vote further left than any voting demographic. He had no support above age 35, and unfortunately for him, that’s who votes.

Throughout his campaign, he talked a big game about “the coalition,” but it suffered from the same problem. George McGovern learned the hard way that targeting the youth and minorities doesn’t win elections. To increase support, he also chose the worst people to endorse him. “The Squad” of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley got behind him, but unfortunately for Bernie, no one outside of “the coalition” supports The Squad. The most prominent of the group, Ocasio-Cortez, can barely crack 50 percent approval in a district that is so Democratic that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said a glass of water with a “D” next to it could win her seat. To make matters worse, The Squad is probably the only group of people that have less support among normal Americans than Bernie Sanders.

Lastly, Bernie tried and failed to be the left’s version of President Trump. Both appealed to the working class—Trump successfully, Sanders less so. Both had dedicated fan bases and both pushed hard against the “establishment.” Whenever Sanders talked up his successes, he would talk about how he could have a crowd of 10,000 people when all of the other candidates, including Biden, would struggle to get 200. Trump, on the other hand, routinely gets crowds of 50,000 and has such magnetic charisma among conservatives that he could probably create a sea of red MAGA hats in Bernie’s own state of Vermont. Unlike Sanders, Trump also hasn’t bent the knee to the establishment, and he’s as committed to his principles as he was on day one. While Trump is about action, it’s clear from his inactions that Sanders is all talk. The working class is a trojan horse for him so he can implement a socialist revolution. Thankfully, people saw right through it.

Now that Bernie is out, expect an approval rating rise for President Trump. Now that he has a clear opponent to be compared to, people will begin to see the value in supporting him. Socialist forums will now be the world leaders in salt production, but in that regard, not much has changed.

For Democrats, it’s all aboard the Biden campaign. There are no brakes on this train, or at least if there are, Joe can’t remember where they are.


Photo by Matt Johnson via Flickr