Oceanside City Council Approves Small Business Relief Fund

Written by Michael Palomba

The Oceanside City Council, during a special meeting on Wednesday, unanimously approved taking bold steps toward implementing a $3 million Business Relief Fund. Staff were instructed to have the program ready for implementation and final approval in just 21 days

The $3 Million Relief Fund will be used to issue micro-loans ranging from $10,000 to $20,000 to help local small businesses retain employees and stay afloat amid various federal, state and local public health orders aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19,” said Oceanside City Councilman Christopher Rodriguez in a statement.

As a result of the strict social distancing requirements enacted to stop the spread of coronavirus, businesses have taken a huge hit. The temporary drop in traffic may not worry big box stores, but it could be detrimental to small and medium-sized businesses. Legislation like this is much needed to keep local businesses alive. 

The program will be open to businesses that can show they have suffered economic hardship as a result of COVID-19. They must also have a city business license and have been in operation for at least six months.

During Wednesday’s meeting, Councilman Rodriguez said, “COVID 19 has unleashed an economic war on The City of Oceanside and our small businesses are on the front lines. Now is the time to go on the offense and support these struggling businesses and the thousands of employees they support” 

Councilman Rodriguez is taking the exact right approach to the pandemic. His priority of protecting small, local businesses is what we need right now.