Darrell Issa Supports Coronavirus Relief Bill while Encouraging Transparency

Former congressman and current candidate for the 50th congressional district Darrell Issa released a statement today regarding the $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill that passed the Senate last night in a unanimous vote.

As a successful businessman, Issa understands the unique challenges being faced by business owners who have suddenly lost their source of income with no alternative. “Workers and businesses are hurting, and the emergency bill is an important temporary measure to help ease some of the pain before our economy starts moving again,” he explained.

That being said, Issa also recognized that governmental transparency is of vital importance when such a massive amount of taxpayer money is on the table.

“The government is spending $2 trillion in taxpayer dollars and that has to be done with transparency and accountability. Misuse of this money is completely unacceptable,” Issa noted.

It’s precisely this concern for government accountability that makes Issa a much needed voice in Washington. Too often, politicians treat taxpayer money as if it’s a credit card with no limit. That mentality helps explain why our country is now approaching $24 trillion.

While the relief package will go a long way to help American businesses, the emphasis on individuals and families is also vital. “And though the emergency bill is welcome relief for many, the best way to help Americans who are struggling through this shutdown is to let them get back to work,” said Issa. “The President has shown he wants to get our economy moving as soon as it’s safe to do so and that should be our ultimate goal.”