San Marcos also Passes Temporary Moratorium on Evictions

Written by Michael Palomba

The City of San Marcos has approved a temporary moratorium on evictions. City councilmembers voted on the moratorium on Wednesday, the same day that the San Diego City Council passed an eviction moratorium as well.

Under the measure, tenants who have experienced personal or business losses due to COVID-19 will be protected from evictions until May 31. Tenants are still responsible for paying any rent owed to landlords.

Eligible tenants that are still being threatened with evictions can “report a concern” on the city’s website 

“Please avoid this situation and work proactively with your tenants; in these difficult times it is important to work together to come to a mutually acceptable alternative payment schedule,” a city release said.

San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones, who has been at the forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic response in her city, was recently on Good Morning San Diego where she said, “Our Priority in San Marcos is the health and safety of our residents and making sure they have everything that they need.” 

Jones encourages people to help their neighbors, saying that when encountered with difficult circumstances, “American’s come together.”

This temporary moratorium on evictions will certainly provide peace of mind to many and make it easier for everyone to come together and get through this difficult time.