Democrats’ “Gender Neutral” Bill is Oppressive and Embarrassing

Written by Michael Palomba

Progressivism always seems to come in the form of new laws and regulations. Living in California, one of the most “progressive” states in the country, we get to experience many of these laws and regulations first hand. 

Well, there’s a new one in the works. And as usual, it’s taking away personal freedoms in the name of “inclusivity” and combating gender norms.

Assembly Bill 2826, proposed by Assemblyman Evan Low (D), would apply to department stores with 500 or more employees. What the bill would do is abolish “boys” and “girls” aisles and require that all products be in gender neutral aisles.

“Keeping similar items that are traditionally marketed either for girls or for boys separated makes it more difficult for the consumer to compare the products and incorrectly implies that their use by one gender is inappropriate,” the bill states.

There are two major issues here. First of all, this is obviously an overreach by the government. A store owner should be allowed to label their aisles however they please.

The next issue is far more alarming in my opinion. We have a multitude of problems here in California, to say the least. From housing shortages, high taxes, natural disasters, and wealth inequality, the list goes on. Why are Democrats focusing on banning “gendered aisles,” which bother no one, when we have all of these issues?

I think it’s ridiculous that even a dime of my taxes goes towards nonsense like this. California Democrats have gotten too comfortable where they are, probably because of the strong liberal voter base that keeps them safely in office. They need a wake up call. November 2020 is the chance to give them one.