San Diegans have a Choice: Todd Gloria’s Corruption or Scott Sherman’s Accountability

San Diego Mayoral candidate and Assemblyman Todd Gloria is a shill and a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party of California with no real opinions of his own. The idea that he is the solution to political corruption in San Diego is laughable, as he and his party are the corruption problem.

Gloria has the support of labor unions and other special interest groups and he claims that with this coalition, he can solve big problems in San Diego. But bringing these groups with him into city politics opens the door for even more corruption in San Diego. These groups have long held influence in California, and by electing establishment Democrats to office, Californians are tacitly supporting this corruption that eats away at the foundation of our democracy.

Make no mistake, these groups do not support Gloria because he’s good at his job or because he’s efficient or intelligent. They support Gloria because they know that he will not rock the boat and let their “business as usual” corruption continue. A candidate like Scott Sherman, however, is their worst nightmare.

If elected mayor, Sherman would not stomach that kind of corruption in San Diego—and his record on the San Diego City Council proves it. Sherman is an unapologetically honest man who has called out corruption and political malfeasance for his entire career. He wants to counterbalance the growing number of Democrats in state politics to prevent the continuation of one-party rule in California.

The Democrats have grown content because they believe that the people of California will keep electing them no matter how ineffective and expensive their policies are, or how corrupt they become. It’s time to show them that the people of California—especially in San Diego—are capable of thinking for themselves by voting for a candidate that will not bow down to the pressure of special interest groups or Sacramento Democrats. It’s time for a candidate that challenges the status quo instead of ignoring the obvious corruption at City Hall.