Newt Gingrich Endorses Darrell Issa

Issa campaign releases new video featuring Speaker Gingrich’s endorsement of Issa as the Trump Conservative for the 50th Congressional District

The Darrell Issa campaign released a new video today announcing the endorsement of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. A corresponding radio ad highlighting the endorsement will be heard on radio stations throughout the 50th Congressional District.


Gingrich called Issa “the kind of person President Trump needs in Washington.” Gingrich also said Issa, who led numerous investigations into the Obama administration’s incompetence and corruption as Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has “fought to clean the swamp up long before most people had ever heard the term.”

Gingrich also highlighted Issa’s endorsement from the National Border Patrol Council, who called Issa “the best person for border security.”

“Darrell Issa has proudly earned the endorsement of strong conservative voices like Newt Gingrich because he is the True Trump Conservative in this race,” said Issa Communications Director Greg Blair. “President Trump’s strongest supporters are backing Darrell Issa because Carl DeMaio is a pro-amnesty, Never Trump liberal who will sell out conservatives and side with Nancy Pelosi.”

Gingrich: I’m speaker Newt Gingrich and I want to take a moment to endorse Darrell Issa because I’ve worked with Darrell. I know he’s a solid conservative. I know he’s the kind of person that President Trump needs in Washington. I know that he’s fought to clean the swamp up long before most people had ever heard the term. We need somebody as smart, as hard working, as courageous as Darrell. That’s why the National Border Patrol Council, with its 18,000 courageous members, endorsed Darrell. They know that he stands for protecting America. He stands for solid conservative values. He will work with President Trump to give us a stronger, better America. I’m all for Darrell Issa and I hope you will be too.