County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher’s Obsession with President Trump Continues

Written by Michael Palomba

San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher made an incredibly biased comment regarding the partisan impeachment trial that Democrats waged on President Trump.

Fletcher clearly did not reread his baseless tweet because “And we are all be invited to be witnesses” is not proper English.

By saying “the only honest trial… will be on Tuesday, Nov 3rd,” he’s implying that the 100 duly elected senators of the U.S. are not honest judges.

At the end of it all, the only fair trial—in Fletcher’s eyes—is one where Trump is found guilty.

However, Fletcher is far from fair. Long before this partisan impeachment began, he was fiercely against Trump. Back in 2018, he sent out a mailer that read, “Republican County Supervisors Are Pushing Trump’s Agenda. Nathan Fletcher Will Fight Back.”

He also tweeted this a month prior to sending out that message:

Clearly, Fletcher will not be satisfied until President Trump is out of office. Unfortunately, for Fletcher, he likely has several years left to wait, especially considering the disaster that was the Iowa Caucuses.  

Trump tweeted Monday proclaiming his victory over the caucuses:

Fletcher can whine and moan all he wants, but President Trump isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.