Governor Newsom Announces Campaign Event with Kamala Harris; Only to have Her Drop Out the Next Day

The rotten apple of every Californian’s eye, Governor Gavin Newsom, was scheduled to appear in Iowa to help fellow California Democratic failure, Senator Kamala Harris, campaign for her miserable presidential bid. Yet, within 24 hours of Newsom announcing his intent to help the campaign, Senator Harris dropped out of the presidential race.

California is widely acclaimed for being one of the most liberal states in the country. However, with Governor Newsom at the helm, liberal has taken a whole new meaning. He has proposed legislation so far-left that it makes moderate Democrats look conservative. Likewise, it is only fitting that Newsom would endorse fellow far-left activist Kamala Harris.

In Iowa, Governor Newsom aimed to lead initiatives with respect to climate change and other far-left issues that would most likely undermine the democracy of America. Newsom’s main goal, however, was to help bolster Senator Harris’ primary support from the comically low rate of 3.3 percent. Alas, Iowa will never get to see the pathetic and futile campaign tactics of Governor Newsom.

Perhaps not all of his tactics were pathetic. Whichever tactic he used to have Harris exit the presidential race only a day after his endorsement was pretty successful.

Senator Harris entered the presidential race on a platform full of dishonesty, incompetence, and most importantly, unconstitutional ambitions. Better known as Dictator Harris, she was an ambitious totalitarian obsessed with power looking to bypass checks and balances and utilize executive order for every single one of her radical policies.

Moreover, her slogan throughout her campaign was “Kamala for the People,” and well, the people spoke. The people found her as distasteful and appalling as her cackle towards former Vice President Joe Biden. The people saw straight through her political smoke show and could see the tyrannical ambitions she had in store. Furthermore, polling at a whopping 3.3 percent, Harris could not even muster the support from her own state. For being one of the most far-left presidential candidates, not gaining the support of Democrats in her own far-left home state speaks volumes towards the sheer pitiful nature of her presidential campaign.

The entire embarrassment of her tenure throughout this campaign can be summarized by Charles Cooke at National Review:

“Everything that is wrong with American politics is summed up in Kamala Harris. She’s a weather vane. She’s dishonest. She’s a coward. She’s condescending. And she’s a phony. She’s the answer to no use or virtuous question. Nothing good has come from her election. She has nothing of value to offer America. Goodbye. Bad luck. That’s all, folks.”

Of course, this is not the last of Kamala Harris. Given her history, she will say or do something—most likely, with respect to the current impeachment inquiry—egregious in order to regain relevance. But until then, it’s a sweet goodbye to Queen Kamala.


Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr