BREAKING: San Diego Finally has its Republican Mayoral Candidate: Scott Sherman

In a race full of far-left Democrats, the breakthrough of a strong Republican candidate was just what San Diegans needed—and it’s precisely what they’re getting. City Councilman Scott Sherman has officially submitted his nomination forms with more than enough signatures to qualify for San Diego’s mayoral ballot, making him the Republican Party’s official candidate for the race.

Sherman is a small business owner and an experienced leader. He has represented District 7 on the City Council for two terms, during which he demonstrated a strong sense of fiscal responsibility, as well as a genuine understanding of San Diegans across the political spectrum. He demonstrates true respect and principle, working with people who hold different views than him to create legislation that benefits everyone.

It’s essential for the next Mayor of San Diego to reflect the diversity of political opinion in San Diego. The combined total of no preference and Republican-registered voters outnumbers Democratic-registered voters significantly, and the division of the Democratic field is only creating a deeper rift between the far-left and more moderate Democrats.

Some might consider the race an uphill battle for Sherman. His most noteworthy opponents, Assemblyman Todd Gloria and Councilwoman Barbara Bry, have both received staunch support from the far left, with campaign chests practically bristling with money. In Gloria’s case, some of these funds were illegally obtained and utilized.

However, their hyperpartisanship is a double-edged sword. They’re exclusively catering to the interests of an extreme political ideology, and closing out those whose views differ in the process.

If San Diego elects a partisan hack, there will be no chance of collaboration with individuals whose opinions differ from theirs. In fact, there will be no chance of collaboration at all. The Democratic candidates simply don’t care about the majority opinion in San Diego—they only care about furthering their own agendas. Electing a radical leftist like Gloria or Bry won’t just hinder the great progress made by Mayor Faulconer—it’ll completely destroy it.

Our next mayor needs to understand the political differences that San Diegans have, reach across the aisle, and bring everyone together for the betterment of San Diego. Scott Sherman is more than qualified to do this and he should be our next mayor.