DeMaio Raises Over $100,000 Since Rep. Duncan Hunter Announced Guilty Plea and Resignation

In just the first 24 hours after Rep. Duncan Hunter announced he would plead guilty and vacate his seat in the criminal case brought against him for allegedly embezzling over $250,000 in campaign funds for personal use, Carl DeMaio’s campaign for California’s 50th Congressional District announced raising over $100,000 in contributions.

“Our fundraising haul over the past 24 hours reflects the outrage of grassroots voters with the broken culture in Congress, and is one of the core reasons why I’m running: nobody should be above the law — especially Members of Congress,” said DeMaio.

DeMaio said he’s in the best position not only to save the seat, but also to win in a special election.

The latest poll conducted without Hunter in the race shows DeMaio statistically tied with the Democrat, and leading Darrell Issa by 22 points.

Ammar Campa-Najjar, Democrat: 39%
Carl DeMaio, Republican: 35%
Darrell Issa, Republican: 13%
Undecided/other: 12%

Source: Tarrance Group poll, June 2019

About Carl DeMaio:
At a time when too many politicians cave in on their principles or merely pay lip-service to their constituents, Carl DeMaio is a fighter who takes action for what he believes in. A successful businessman, DeMaio founded his first company by age 24, his second by age 29, and sold both by age 33. Since then, he has hosted a popular news/talk radio show on NewsRadio 600 KOGO, and founded Reform California – a grassroots campaign advocacy organization for government accountability and has blocked over $3 billion in tax hikes.

Now Carl DeMaio is running for U.S. Congress with a plan to shake it up by advancing a bold, fresh Reform Agenda and recruiting other principled reformers to run for office.

For more information on DeMaio’s candidacy, visit