NLPOA of San Diego County Holds Thanksgiving Dinner for Children

Last night, the National Latino Peace Officer Association (NLPOA) gave over 100 underprivileged children a bike and helmet along with a home-cooked Thanksgiving dinner. This dinner was a chance to recognize these children and reward outstanding students selected by each police department.

San Diego District Attorney Summer Stephan was the keynote speaker, and she spoke to the kids about saying ‘no’ to poor life choices and to continue down the virtuous path they are on. Also in attendance was Sherriff Bill Gore, Deputy DA CJ Modey, Executive Director of the Republican Party of San Diego County Jordan Gascon, Judge Lamborn, and Judge Amador, and other police chiefs from all over San Diego.

The NLPOA is an organization that has spent years raising money and hosting dinners to support these children. In this case, it was to ensure that all have a home-cooked Thanksgiving meal and some biking gear. This charity helps brings police officers together with the youth and promote thoughtfulness and respect within the community.