Sen. Patricia Bates Earns Top Mark for Defending Taxpayers from Higher Taxes

SACRAMENTO – Senator Patricia Bates (R-Laguna Niguel) today announced that she has received a perfect 100 percent score (“A” grade) from the nonpartisan Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA) in its 2019 Legislative Report Card. HJTA is one of the state’s top watchdogs on tax and public finance issues.

“I am pleased to have received a perfect score this year from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association,” said Senator Bates. “The Association’s report card provides Californians with an objective measuring stick to evaluate their legislators on critical tax issues. I look forward to continuing to do what I can to protect taxpayers next year.”

On tax issues, Senator Bates has focused her efforts on stopping legislation that will add more costs for taxpayers. She has also spoken out against efforts to create a “split-roll” that would separate commercial and industrial property from Proposition 13, which would lead to massive tax increases for California’s job creators and property owners.

Senator Bates has received “A” grades on HJTA’s legislative report cards each year she has served in the Senate.