County Supervisors Vote to Support Lawsuit against California’s Sanctuary Laws, Despite Nathan Fletcher’s Opposition

On Wednesday, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors revisited the highly contested issue of immigration, specifically with regard to sanctuary laws. Moreover, the vote was a response to the recent lawsuit from the Trump administration to repeal California laws SB 54, AB 103, and AB 450. SB 54 has gained the most media attention since it’s the law that restricts state police from assisting federal immigration authorities.

In a 3-2 vote, the County Supervisors once voted in favor of the lawsuit; Supervisors Jim Desmond, Kristin Gaspar, and Dianne Jacob were the supporting votes, while Supervisors Greg Cox and Nathan Fletcher were in opposition.

The vote gaining the most public scrutiny, though, comes from none other than Supervisor Nathan Fletcher. Over his political tenure, Fletcher has lacked any form of commitment and intelligence. For much of his life and up until 2013, Fletcher identified as a Republican. After unsuccessfully running for Mayor of San Diego, he proceeded to change parties and his position on virtually every issue in hopes of being elected for a different office: County Supervisor.

His opposing vote with regard to the appeal lawsuit is incredibly shameful and a slap in the face to San Diegans. Any person with common sense could see that sanctuary state laws are financially irresponsible and morally reprehensible. Consequently, the havoc that has been spread by criminal illegal immigrants as seen by angel moms—those whose children have been murdered by illegal immigrants—is further evidence that would turn any sensible person against sanctuary laws. Yet, Supervisor Fletcher repeatedly supports these laws, highlighting his utter lack of common sense and competency.

In addition to lacking common sense, Supervisor Fletcher is insanely hypocritical. In an absolutely pathetic and vain attempt to defend his disgraceful vote, he claims “continuing to support the Trump administration is morally wrong and a waste of valuable county resources.” The substantial hypocrisy is two-fold in Supervisor Fletcher’s pitiful defense. In the entirety of his political tenure, Fletcher has yet to show a glimpse of concern for morality.

In fact, Supervisor Fletcher’s political career has thrived off immorality. Likewise, Fletcher has never been one for proper and successful county resource allocation. Given his propensity to allocate resources toward illegal immigrants, which has only resulted in high violent crime rates across the county, his financial irresponsibility endures with no signs of improvement.

The notion that allowing illegal immigrants to enter and remain in the country on the taxpayer’s dime is somehow moral and financially responsible is absurd on its face. Fletcher is either being dishonest or delusional—in either case, he’s failing to forward the interests of his constituents.

However, his current political actions are not surprising given the fact that his wife, Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, is a union lobbyist fanatic. The couple epitomizes power-hungry politicians who will consistently choose political expediency at the expense of the safety of their constituents. They aspire to be San Diego’s version of the Clintons, but lack the ability to be.

Ultimately, Supervisors Desmond, Gaspar, and Jacob were able to swing the vote to the right side: the side of common sense, morality, and fiscal responsibility. However, the disgraceful vote from Supervisor Fletcher illustrates his evident disregard for all of these things. Perhaps Supervisor Fletcher should sit down with an angel mom to supplement his defense with regard to his despicable vote.


Featured Photo by Raymond Wambsgans via Flickr