San Diego County Republican Mayors Join to Support June Cutter for Assembly

San Diego County Republican mayors endorse June Cutter’s bid to replace newly minted Democrat Asm. Brian Maienschein in 77th Assembly District

(San Diego, CA) – The mayors of San Marcos, Poway, and Coronado today joined San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer in announcing their endorsement of June Cutter’s bid for the 77th Assembly District.

“I was one of June’s first endorsers because I know that she will fight to improve the lives of Southern Californians through her agenda of tax relief, fiscal reform, government transparency, and comprehensive solutions to our crumbling infrastructure,” said San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones.

Republican mayors Steve Vaus of Poway and Richard Bailey of Coronado have also endorsed June Cutter for Assembly.

“Gaining the support of all of these strong local leaders is a testament to the enthusiasm Republicans in San Diego County feel about the prospect of regaining the 77th District in 2020,” said June Cutter. “I am encouraged by our momentum and look forward to the opportunity to serve this community in Sacramento.”

June has already been endorsed by the California Republican Party, the San Diego County Republican Party, San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, the Associated General Contractors of San Diego, the Associated Builders and Contractors of San Diego, Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove, Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron, and many other elected officials and community leaders. View June’s full list of endorsements here.

The 77th District encompasses northern San Diego and portions of North County, including the city of Poway. It also contains the Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. The District’s voter registration is nearly evenly split between Republicans, Democrats, and Independents.

June Cutter is an accomplished attorney, small business owner, proud wife to a former Naval Flight Officer, and a mom to two children. June is running for Assembly to stand up to Sacramento special interests and to improve the lives of California’s hardworking middle class. To learn more about June and her campaign for Assembly, visit: