Todd Gloria’s Illegal Behavior Shouldn’t be Forgotten

As a politician, precision is key—especially when it comes to creating plans for the sake of all the citizens you represent. When a politician blatantly displays a complete lack of precision, it should speak volumes to their constituents about how well they’ll do in office—which, for the situation in question, would be “not so well.”

Assemblyman Todd Gloria recently had to pay a fine for violating California’s Political Reform Act, as he failed to formally state that he was running for re-election before opening up a fundraising committee. Raising money before the proper form is filed counts as a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.

On top of that, he set up the “Gloria for Assembly 2020 committee” signed under penalty of perjury while running for mayor, leading to a lawsuit by a Hillcrest resident.

His Democratic opponent, Barbara Bry, has also called him out for illegally funneling PAC and special interest funds into his campaign. When you can’t even find support from colleagues who share similar political opinions, you know you’re doing something wrong.

In Gloria’s case, he also did something illegal and deeply unethical. He is not only out of touch with San Diegans, but lacks the fortitude necessary to be mayor.