Department of Homeland Security Honors San Diego Border Patrol Agents

Written by Michael Palomba

In the wake of the recent tragedy in Sonoma, Mexico, it’s important to remember the people on the front lines who keep this country safe. And recently, the Secretary of Homeland Security did just that.

Last Wednesday, 12 members of San Diego’s Border Patrol sector were honored in Washington, DC for their efforts in protecting the border during the 2018 caravan crisis.

The 12 heroic agents were selected for a leadership excellence award. According to the Department of Homeland Security, “This award recognizes an individual and team who exemplify the Department of Homeland Security’s leadership philosophy, principles, and core values of integrity, vigilance, and respect.”

Two other San Diego-based agents were honored as well. One received an award for “meritorious service” for his work in helping to identify people from Asia and elsewhere who are attempting to enter the U.S. for criminal purposes.

The second agent received the secretary’s “excellence” award for implementing measures to counter a large caravans forced-entry plan, while maintaining standard operations at the port of entry.


Featured Photo by Raymond Wambsgans via Flickr