Former California Governor Pete Wilson Endorses Brian Maryott

Maryott “rises above petty political games”, says Wilson

CARLSBAD, Calif. — On Thursday, Brian Maryott received the endorsement of Pete Wilson. The Republican former California Governor, U.S. Senator, and Mayor of San Diego garnered significant bipartisan support and popularity, in a blue state, during his years in office.

“Brian Maryott represents a unique chance for our community to send a seasoned elected official to Congress. His extensive career working with families and businesses, as well as managing large and complex business initiatives in his private sector career, will serve District 49 particularly well on the issues that matter most to working families and local employers,” said former California governor Pete Wilson. “He’s an advocate and leader that rises above petty political games and instead focuses on delivering bipartisan, substantive results. Brian Maryott has my full support and endorsement.”

“I thank Gov. Wilson for his endorsement and confidence in my leadership. Like many residents in this district, I am fed up with ineffectiveness of Washington.,” said Brian Maryott, Republican candidate for Congress. “The current incumbent, Mike Levin, campaigned as a moderate but reverted back to being an extremist agitator once he got to Congress. We deserve better. As congressman, I’ll get to work for our district and deliver solutions.”

Brian Maryott is a Certified Financial Planner who spent most of his career helping families save for a rainy day, send their kids to college, and retire with dignity. As the Mayor of San Juan Capistrano, he has a proven record of reform and a history of working with people from all walks of life to get results.

CA-49 is a swing district with a Cook PVI of R+1 and a R+3 voter registration advantage. To learn more about Maryott and his campaign, please visit