Democrats Forcing Taxpayers to Fund Failed Unions

In the continuance of California’s endorsement of leftist policies, the recent policy topic has been labor unions. Recent legislation intends to have taxpayers subsidize failing and corrupt unions at the expense of harming employers and employees.

A notable piece of legislation regarding labor unions is Assembly Bill 5. Approved last month, the bill aims to dismantle the employment structure of businesses like Uber and Lyft. Essentially, it would turn for-hire drivers and other employees into permanent workers, qualifying them for benefits that are entailed, such as minimum wage and overtime pay.

Moreover, their schedule would remain unchanged—employees can maintain their adaptable schedule while still receiving the benefits of a permanent worker. However, an exception illustrates the political and corrupt drive behind the bill: coincidently, industries with no prior desire to unionize are not covered under the bill. Clearly, AB 5 was only created to benefit labor unions and their interests.

Another instance where a clear bias for labor unions can be seen is the recent enactment of a law sponsored by the California Teachers Association. The law plans to shut down any charter school if school officials deem it will strip public schools of funding. In addition to suppressing charter school growth, the law will create a hostile environment with regard to school board elections since board members can allocate funds to their desired candidates.

In recent years, unions have been monopolizing the State Legislature. They have convinced the Legislature to help bail out the failing retirement program known as California State Teachers’ Requirement System. They have also convinced the Legislature to maintain certain records and delegate money for certain employees in order to make the creation and organization of unions much easier.

Where does all this money come from? The local taxpayers, of course.

As a result of corrupt, self-interested unions, local taxpayers are forced to pay for their unfair funding. California needs to realize the damage being done to local taxpayers and reduce the ever-growing power of unions.