After Years of Resistance, City Council Democrats Finally Acknowledge Mayor Faulconer’s Success on Homelessness

As the homeless crisis remains a pressing issue in San Diego, Mayor Kevin Faulconer has been pushing real solutions to help combat it. For instance, he has been adding new shelter beds in response to a deadly Hepatitis A outbreak among the homeless population.

Faulconer has helped secure another $14 million to support existing programs and also create new programs. Those programs include new shelter investments with the long term plan of moving those struggling into permanent housing. 

Meanwhile, it seems like all the City Council Democrats can do is demand more from Faulconer and their Republican peers. Last fall, Councilman Chris Ward, leading other Democrats, called for the city to make a complete and comprehensive strategy to help the homeless population, despite Mayor Faulconer providing initiatives and projects during the same meeting.

Now the projects being pushed by the Democrats are nearly identical to those being pushed by Mayor Faulconer, such as creating three new shelter tents. Consultants from the Corporation for Supportive Housing have stated that the city needs to add 3,500 more permanent housing units and a few hundred more rental-assistance slots, along with 500 new shelter beds.

While Democrats are putting politics and party above people in need, Mayor Faulconer has been creating solutions and pushing projects that will provide help to those in our city who need it most. The Democrats on City Council have delayed these projects for nearly two years while spending more taxpayer money on short term fixes. 

The real solutions are being shut down by those in office who would rather push their partisan agenda instead of helping the city’s homeless population by getting these projects and programs off the ground.


Photo by Brandi Ibrao