Naval Littoral Combat Ship Showcases Impressive Missile Capabilities

During a recent exercise off the coast of Guam, the San Diego-based littoral combat ship USS Gabrielle Giffords victoriously launched a new Naval Strike Missile last Tuesday.

The ship is the first combat vessel to be equipped with eight missile launchers.

The missile is a long range precision weapon armed with an advanced seeker for precise targeting. It can seek and destroy enemy ships as far as 100 nautical miles away.

“Today was a terrific accomplishment for USS Gabrielle Giffords crew and the Navy’s LCS class,” said Commanding Officer Matthew Lehman. “I am very proud of all the teamwork that led to the successful launch of the NSM.”

Launchers will soon be installed on all of the Navy’s 36 littoral combat ships. The ships are divided between the two coasts.


Photo by U.S. Department of Defense via Flickr