Governor Newsom and Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Conspiring Against Working Californians

Once again, Democratic legislators are turning a blind eye to citizens in need to focus on their donors. In their passage of “gig economy” bill AB 5, Democrats have robbed thousands of working class Californians of freelance jobs that they need to make enough money to live.

Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez sponsored AB 5 and has refused to make exceptions for many groups in desperate need, instead referring them to sponsoring unions by specific employer groups—the same groups that supported her election, as she was a former union official. 

Clearly, her own interests are playing more into her decision than the interests of the citizens she claims to protect. It’s a shame that Gonzalez doesn’t understand the ramifications of her decisions, but honestly, we can’t expect much more from a Democratic legislator. Time and time again, Democrats choose to abuse their position.

Governor Gavin Newsom (unsurprisingly) stamped his signature of approval on the legislation, but he shouldn’t feel secure in it. Rideshare companies have threatened to pour $90 million into overturning the legislation, especially since they don’t need or want the legislation.

AB 378 follows in the footsteps of AB 5 by paving the way for thousands of childcare workers to unionize. Newsom argues that these workers need to be “taken care of” by the government, and seems to think that unionizing them will suddenly fix all of their financial woes. It certainly won’t, but what it will do is increase union memberships and dues, which would in turn divert funding towards Newsom’s own interests.

The damage that Governor Newsom and Democratic legislators are doing to California’s citizens for the sake of filling their own wallets is an absolute disappointment to all involved. It’s time to call for a change in leadership, and this offers infallible proof that Newsom and his allies are unfit to govern.