Senator Jones Asks Governor to Sign Measure Increasing Available DMV Appointment Times

“DMV appointments are clearly being held hostage by entities that don’t even need an appointment”

El Cajon – Senator Brian Jones (R-Santee) today sent the following letter to Governor Gavin Newsom requesting that he sign Assembly Bill 317, a measure by Assemblymember Tyler Diep (R-Westminster), which would end the practice of private entities booking, blocking and holding for sale appointments at DMV offices:

October 8, 2019

The Honorable Gavin Newsom
Governor of California
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814

RE: AB 317 – Request for Signature

Dear Governor Newsom:

As a coauthor of Assembly Bill 317, I urge you sign this measure by Assemblymember Tyler Diep (R-Westminster) that would end the practice of entities “selling” Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) appointment times.

Specifically, AB 317 will make it unlawful for any person (or entity) to sell, or offer for sale, an appointment time for in-person services at a California DMV office.

While I strongly support our free-enterprise system and definitely encourage entrepreneurialism, continuing to allow private entities to book and hold DMV appointments by gaming the state’s computer system is not appropriate.

Hard-working Californians don’t have time to stay up all night trying to book a DMV appointment on-line. DMV appointments are clearly being held hostage by entities who don’t even need an appointment.

AB 317 passed both the Senate and Assembly unanimously. I encourage you to sign Assembly Bill 317 into law.

Thank you for your consideration.


Brian W. Jones
Senator, District 38