Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Continues to Disparage Constituents Despite Protests

Written By Michael Palomba

On Saturday, a group of protestors were out in full force, interacting with people and holding signs regarding a “modern day witch hunt” against their children. The leader of the witch hunt? None other than Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez.

This all stems from a new push by Democratic lawmakers in California to essentially eliminate medical exemptions for vaccines. SB 276, co-sponsored by Gonzalez, requires all medical exemptions to go through the state effective Jan. 1, 2021. It also limits physicians to just five medical exemptions per year.

The protestors claimed their children have already had step one of some of the required vaccines and had adverse reactions. Consequently, their doctors provided them with medical exemptions. But as a result of SB 276, those exemptions will be voided and—unless vaccinated—their kids will be removed from school.

All these parents are fighting for is the right for their children to stay in school without suffering any further adverse effects from vaccines. People passing by the protest appeared to be very receptive and interested in these concerns. However, Assemblywoman Gonzalez does not seem worried about the concerns of her constituents.

The protestors also pointed out that, according to the Los Angeles Times, Gonzalez’s “Motor Voter Program” incorrectly enrolled 23,000 people. A number that has since skyrocketed to an astonishing 105,000.

How can she be trusted to enact a policy that could have adverse effects on children, when her voter registration program was such a massive failure?

Gonzalez has been in the spotlight for several questionable decisions in recent times. In July, she was blasted for insulting and humiliating Californians who were concerned about mandatory vaccines. She has also maliciously degraded people on social media, recently tweeting:

No matter the circumstances, this is clearly no way for a sitting assemblywoman to behave. We must continue to push back against Gonzalez’s indecency and disregard for voters, as she has already become obsessed with her political power.


Photos via Michael Palomba