Conservatives Suing California to Prevent Illegal Immigrants from Voting

Written by Karrie Kirschenmann

We pay for their welfare, healthcare, food stamps, and education. Now the justice in our democracy is being compromised by illegal immigrants. Conservatives are complaining that their “legitimate vote is being diluted by the illegal votes of non-citizens.”

On the morning of October 1, conservatives sued the state of California. They claimed the state was failing to “ensure that non-citizens are never placed on the voter rolls.” The plaintiffs include two naturalized citizens who value the importance of citizenship, along with Corrin Rankin, who ran for California Republican Party Vice Chair last year.

California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, a staunch Democrat, labeled the protest a “misrepresentation” of the law and “an underhanded attempt to bring [republicans’] voter suppression playbook to California.” 

Republicans do not wish to suppress legitimate voters, of course. The concern is that illegal aliens have not earned the right to participate in American democracy simply because they made it into the country. In order to contribute to such a remarkable political process inspired by liberty and constitutionalism, an illegal alien must first display commitment to this country, and become a legal citizen.

This is a prime example of Democrats attempting to undermine the American voting process in order to scheme their way into the White House and other avenues of political power. In fact, this conflict has “liberal double standards” throughout.

Democrats are attempting to use illegal aliens for their votes, but claim they have their best interests in mind. In reality, Democrats see allowing illegals to vote as a stepping stone in their incessant hunger for power, and their thirst for furthering their corrupt political agenda. 

In the center of it all is the “motor voter law,” a program designed to automatically allow people of voting age, who have a driver’s license, to vote. The lawsuit argues that the Secretary of State’s office is allowing anyone who goes through the DMV to vote, instead of using records to determine if their identification and driver’s license are credible.

Harmeet Dhillon, the attorney who filed the lawsuit, explained that “California refuses to use the data in its possession to determine citizenship eligibility.” This will perpetuate the problem for actual citizens whose votes are being diluted by those of illegal voters. The lawsuit explains that this violates the National Voter Registration Act, a 1993 federal law that requires states to ensure that voter registration is accurate.

Allowing illegal immigrants to vote undermines American democracy and only furthers the Democratic agenda. With this lawsuit, conservatives are taking a stand against the hypocrisy and injustice of California’s government.