San Diego Unemployment Rate Down Due to the Agenda of President Trump and Mayor Faulconer

It’s no secret that San Diego became the largest city to have a Republican Mayor, and the following low unemployment rate is not a simple coincidence. San Diego has recently been making incredible strides away from unemployment, with our unemployment rate down from 3.6% to 3.4% in less than two months.

This growth in the job market is highly visible in San Diego County, with more and more construction jobs for average post-diploma workers being filled. An increase in public sector jobs can also be attributed to the booming job market in San Diego. Overall, California has an unemployment rate of 4.2%, and a national rate of 3.8%, making San Diego very impressive with regard to unemployment.

Using the previously stated statistics, compared to the rest of the state, it seems like San Diego is a job-haven for people looking for work and the American Dream. San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer has introduced a multitude of actions that have provided jobs to everyday San Diegans, including working with the cross-border coalition, the San Diego downtown partnership, and setting up a workforce commission.

The biggest of these three would be the cross-border coalition, as it helps employ construction workers, providing great job opportunities and wages to the “average” person.

Regarding the workforce commission, Mayor Faulconer set it up to allocate a small dose of state funds to job-training for several different fields. This helps train otherwise unqualified workers for jobs that need to be fulfilled, allowing San Diego’s poverty rate to plummet.

As responsible voters, we need to continue to support legislators and leaders that always have the good of the average American at the forefront of their mind, with Mayor Faulconer being a wonderful example.