City Council Establishes Community Choice Energy Authority

The hope of renewable energy has sparked inspiration for new legislation across San Diego County. Recently, a 7-2 City Council vote established a Joint Power Authority (JPA) in hopes of buying energy to compete with SDG&E.

In addition to implementing a public sector energy service, the ordinance authorized Mayor Kevin Faulkner to establish the San Diego Renewable Choice Energy Authority. In essence, it’s a governing board for renewable energy.

A community choice proposal with regard to energy is set to be given to The California Public Utilities Commission by the end of the year. This turnaround was paramount to keeping California on the timeline for submission. If missed, plans for energy service would be pushed back another year.

While addressing genuine concerns related to sustainability, emissions, and the SDG&E energy monopoly, the legislation has its slew of problems, making its passage a questionable step towards a sustainable future.

Councilman Scott Sherman voted against the establishment of the JPA due to its makeup—as members are not required to be public officials—and questioned the ability of the government to achieve its intended goals. Previous failures, such as the problematic Public Utilities Department, left doubt in Sherman’s mind of this legislation being as good as it seems on paper.

The JPA should remain under careful watch moving forward. Although it could result in significant progress if successful, the margin for error is dangerously high.


Photo by Dylan Gillis