Hypocritical California Democrats Push Their Own Travel Ban

Written by Daren Cook

Democrats love to preach about equality and diversity, but when it comes to any opinion or viewpoint that differs from theirs, they turn a blind eye. California Democrats are especially notorious for this as they have recently decided to pass an unnecessary travel ban that restricts the movement of students to certain states.

Firstly, this act completely infringes on an American’s freedom of choice and migration by explicitly denying state funds to be used for travel to some places, but not others based wholely on political leanings.

Secondly, coming back full circle to my opening statement about the diversity of opinion, California Democrats specifically chose to ban travel to states that don’t provide precious taxpayer dollars to “gender transition surgeries.” Apparently not paying for somebody’s gender-transition surgery with your hard-earned money is unacceptable in the eyes of Democratic legislators.

An “issue” of this sort is not in any way relevant to the lives of Californians. I mean, are these half-witted legislators the people we are spending our hard-earned money paying? On the surface, this issue seems to be a pretty streamlined idiotic itinerary that’ll eventually be overturned by people with rational thoughts, but Democrats in California haven’t allowed this sort of optimism to persist.

This issue is the beginning of an authoritarian socialist ideal that strives to push out dissenting opinions. Conservatives, or really anyone to the right of failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, have an inherent right to believe as they wish, regardless of the ideological monolith Democrats are pursuing.

These laws that seem to be relatively unimportant are not, and indicate an oppressively discriminatory agenda towards dissent. We need to realize the brutal significance of this law and speak out against it and the Democrats complicit in its existence.