Crime in San Diego Rises Again While Democrats Handicap Local Law Enforcement

The mid-year crime rates in San Diego have risen for the fifth year in a row according to a report released on September 10 by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG).

Violent crimes such as homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault have continuously increased over the past five years, with a high of 5,545 reports at the mid-year mark this year. 

In comparing the mid-year numbers, there were only 5,330 violent crimes reported in 2015. This then increased in 2016 to 5,361, and later to 5,421 reports in 2017. This is a crisis in San Diego that should be addressed more publicly. However, property crimes— like burglary, larceny, and vehicle theft—have decreased by 11 percent.

While robbery reports have increased five percent, arson reports have decreased 28 percent and residential burglaries have dropped 53.9% since 2009. During the first half of 2019, there was an average of 31 reports of violent crime and 150 reports of property crime per day.

Democrats attacking and limiting law enforcement does nothing to prevent these violent crimes and only impedes on our county’s ability to reduce the number of reports made each day. This may very well be a major factor in the consistent increase in crime reports in San Diego.

There is real work to be done in fixing our county’s issues with crime and the unfair backlash against our law enforcement will only make finding resolutions much harder going forward.