PLA ALERT! City of Vista Votes to Oppose PLA at Vista Unified School District! District to Vote on PLA for $247 Million Bond

A great victory!

Last night the City of Vista joined the Vista Chamber of Commerce and the Vista Unified’s Citizens Bond Oversight Committee in opposing ay Project Labor Agreement (PLA) that Vista Trustees bring forward. On a 3-2 vote and thanks to the leadership of Councilmen John Franklin and Joe Green, local big labor special interests (who showed up to the meeting in force and who acted rudely) were defeated. The winners? Taxpayers, workers and students.

Tomorrow, Thursday, September 12th, the Vista Unified School District Board of Trustees will be voting whether or not to “negotiate” a union Project Labor Agreement (PLA) with local union bosses for the District’s $247 million school construction bond.

We need you to contact them TODAY to express your opposition to this discriminatory and costly idea!

Their contact information is:

Rosemary Smithfield: 760-445-3008

Cipriano Vargas: 760-639-0470<

Deborah Morton: 760-747-6634

Martha Alvarado: 760-978-7998

Rich Alderson: 760-420-3228

We also need you to show up at the meeting.

Meeting information:

Thursday, September 12th
City Hall, Vista Room
200 Civic Center Dr.

Vista, CA

Encourage them to keep their current bidding process as is, a process that has proven itself over time and is not in need of this “solution” in search of a problem.