Barbara Hamilton, Carlsbad City Council Member Resigns

In a Facebook post, Barbara Hamilton gave her resignation and wrote:

It is with regret that I inform you this evening, that I’ve made a decision to resign my seat on City Council, effective October 31st, due to family health issues.

I’ve spoken to the City Manager and City Attorney. They will bring forward information, about the process for Council, and for the community.

I trust that my colleagues on Council will work together, to appoint a Council Member who is acceptable to the people of District 1 — to those people who put their trust and confidence, in me, to uphold our shared values and concerns, brought forward in this Chamber.

I trust that my colleagues on Council will have listened, to my voice, and to the voices of concerned residents in these older Carlsbad communities, and in the Village and Barrio areas, to protect our existing residents, and businesses, our valuable history, and our unique characteristics, that differentiated us from other nearby, coastal beach towns.

Finally, I would like to ask, for your grace. And I thank everyone who has worked collaboratively with me and helped me, to help my community, over this past year on Council.

Photo from Barbara Hamilton Facebook